24 WINGS 2019

Con el vino ‘24 mozas’ rendimos homenaje a la ciudad de Toro y su rico folclore.

Las 24 mozas protagonizan la copla ‘Tío Babú’, una canción en la que se relata la historia de una tradicional boda toresana a la que no “iban 24, iban 25 porque iba la novia”.


Recíbelo en 24-48 horas en la península. Más información.

Ficha de cata


Made from Tinta de Toro strains that are at least 40 years old, it has remained in American oak barrels for six months to achieve greater longevity without losing freshness and joy. With 24 Mozas wine we pay tribute to the city of Toro and its rich folklore.

Garnet red with a high layer and clean purple trim.

Medium high intensity. Marked fruit tones with hints of very ripe black fruits (blackberries), notes of coconut and hints of spices.

It is dry, with adequate acidity, well constituted, tasty with good texture (noble tannicity and tight from the wood to the fruit). Pleasant slightly spicy fruity finish. Good persistence. Ready to drink, but susceptible to improvement in the bottle.



Rojo granate de capa alta y ribete púrpura limpio.


Intensidad media alta. Marcados tonos frutales con recuerdos a frutas negras muy maduras (moras), notas de coco y atisbos de especias


Es seco, con acidez adecuada, bien constituido, sabroso con buena textura (tanicidad noble y ajustada de la madera a la fruta). Final frutal grato levemente especiado. Buena persistencia. Ya para tomar, pero susceptible de mejora en botella.

Temperatura de servicio

16 ºC

Divina Proporción

24 WINGS 2019


Made from Tinta de Toro strains that are at least 40 years old, it has remained in American oak barrels for six months to achieve greater longevity without losing freshness and joy. With 24 Mozas wine we pay tribute to the city of Toro and its rich folklore.

Garnet red with a high layer and clean purple trim.

Medium high intensity. Marked fruit tones with hints of very ripe black fruits (blackberries), notes of coconut and hints of spices.

It is dry, with adequate acidity, well constituted, tasty with good texture (noble tannicity and tight from the wood to the fruit). Pleasant slightly spicy fruity finish. Good persistence. Ready to drink, but susceptible to improvement in the bottle.


  • 75cl
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