Jack Daniel´s Distillery

Sipsmith Independent Spirits

Jasper Newton Daniel, más conocido como Jack, presenta al mundo Old No. 7, su emblemático Tennessee whiskey filtrado con carbón.

Jack deja su hogar y es acogido por el reverendo Dan Call. En la granja de la familia Call aprende el arte de producir whiskey del predicador y de un esclavo llamado Nathan "Nearest" Green. Jack después contrataría a Nearest como el jefe de la Destilería Jack Daniel's, lo que hoy llamamos Maestro Destilador.

En 1866 se funda oficialmente la destilería de Jack Daniel's, con Jack como primer maestro destilador. Varios años más tarde, la destilería se traslada a su actual ubicación para estar más cerca del recurso principal de Jack Daniel's: la cueva rica en minerales de Spring Hollow.

Año de fundación 1864

We've been bottling Tennessee spring water since 1866. With a few important changes, of course. The spring water, Jack's not-so-secret ingredient, lies at the bottom of a cave more than two miles deep.

Our obsession with detail in whiskey making begins with producing our own charcoal for filtering. It's hard work, but good things never come easy. Although, if you have to build a 2000 degree bonfire in the middle of summer, you wish they were.

Our whiskey wouldn't be what it is without Jack Daniel's recipe. He achieved the perfect blend of corn, rye and barley, and we followed it to the letter.

Jack Daniel was known for being a man of refined taste. From his penchant for tailored suits to the way he produced his whiskey, every detail counted. And one of the most important details was his blend: the precise combination of grains that help shape the flavor of his whiskey.

Jack Daniel's has chosen a carefully considered recipe (80% corn, 12% barley and 8% rye) that we still use today. By using only premium corn, the blend acquires a pleasant sweetness. A good amount of rye rounds out this flavour with sharp notes of pepper and spice. Just the right touch of malt gives it a creamy smoothness.

The distillation process begins by mixing these grains with iron-free water from Spring Hollow. And just as a baker makes bread with a little of the yeast from the previous brew, we start the distillation with a little of our own mash to achieve a standard of quality. This mash determines the name of Jack Daniel's "sour mash." The mash ferments for six days before being distilled in a large copper pot still made to our guidelines. And instead of double or triple distillation, we vaporize and condense our whiskey just once.

There's no doubt that Jack selected his blend for its warm, balanced flavour. And by distilling it this way we ensure that the whiskey maintains that balance.