Cepa 21 Winery

Sipsmith Independent Spirits

José Moro planta 50 hectáreas de viñedo con clones de las cepas centenarias de los viñedos de su padre y de su abuelo.

La primera añada de Cepa 21, el buque insignia se vendimia en 2002.

La unión de ambas dimensiones es, sin duda, un auténtico valor añadido. Y es que el proyecto de Cepa 21 se asienta sobre las raíces y el legado de José Moro que, tras más de 30 años dedicado al mundo del vino, traslada a cada proceso su saber hacer y su experiencia. Además, su visión innovadora y su carácter disruptivo marcan la diferencia de una bodega única que apuesta por integrar la tecnología para conseguir un mayor conocimiento y una menor intervención.

Año de fundación 2000
  • Jose Moro

  • 91


    CEPA 21 2021


    17,95 €
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  • HITO Case + Cup

    Sold out
    11,99 €
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  • MILESTONE Strain 21


    11,99 €
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  • 93


    HORCAJO 2018


    Sold out
    Up to 19% off
    68,90 € 84,90 €
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    From 37,81 €
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  • MALABRIGO Case + glass


    42,35 €
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Characterized by minimalism and efficiency, a modern and functional construction by BSA Arquitectura, the entire winery is equipped with the highest technology with the aim of achieving the highest quality throughout the process and the development of the best wines.

Avant-garde architecture, careful design and dreamlike views reflect the character of Cepa 21

José Moro, chosen as one of the 100 most innovative entrepreneurs by Forbes Magazine, guides the strategy of Bodegas Cepa 21 always from a differential perspective and an effective and disruptive communication that connects with the consumer. Pioneers in actions never imagined in the world of wine, at Bodegas Cepa 21 excellence is a goal and breaking barriers is part of our path to follow.

Tradition and avant-garde

The union of both dimensions is, without a doubt, a real added value. The Cepa 21 project is based on the roots and legacy of José Moro who, after more than 30 years dedicated to the world of wine, transfers his know-how and experience to each process. In addition, his innovative vision and disruptive nature mark the difference of a unique winery that is committed to integrating technology to achieve greater knowledge and less intervention.

Respect for the land

Knowledge and respect for our environment is a fundamental factor in capturing the essence of the land and transferring it to each of our wines. We are aware of what the Tempranillo variety and the topography of our vineyards can contribute to the final product and we want the customer to feel it in every glass. We know that our land is our greatest asset, and for this reason we want to give back what it gives us, which is why Bodegas Cepa 21 is committed to reducing the environmental impact and managing resources efficiently.