The Balvenie Distillery

Sipsmith Independent Spirits

El exuberante entorno de Balvenie ha dado forma a su carácter, con abundantes manantiales de agua, un clima ideal y un suelo fértil para el cultivo de cebada.

Actualmente, la destilería The Balvenie se distingue como la única que mantiene vivas las cinco prácticas artesanales en la elaboración de whisky. Cultiva su propia cebada, utiliza tradicionales pisos de malteado, cuenta con un equipo de toneleros y herreros propios, y dispone de un excepcional Malt Master. Gracias a este compromiso con la tradición, The Balvenie es considerada una de las destilerías más auténticas y artesanales del mundo.

Año de fundación 1892
  • David C. Stewart

  • THE BALVENIE 12 Doublewood

    Up to 11% off
    57,90 € 64,90 €
    View details
  • THE BALVENIE 14 Caribbean Rum Cask Finish

    97,95 €
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  • The BALVENIE 12 The Sweet Toast of American Oak

    Sold out
    69,55 €
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What makes Balvenie unique is its commitment to the entire brewing process. It is one of the few distilleries that still grows some of its own barley, malts it on the ground in the traditional way, has its own coopers to care for the casks and employs an in-house team of blacksmiths to keep its stills in perfect condition.

The result is complex and refined single malt whiskies, with a range of profiles from honeyed and fruity notes to hints of spice, vanilla and oak, depending on the expression. Some of their best-known whiskies include the Balvenie DoubleWood 12 Years, Caribbean Cask 14 Years,

Their dedication to craft excellence has established Balvenie as one of the most respected distilleries.