Carmelo Rodero Winery

Sipsmith Independent Spirits

Carmelo Rodero pertenece a una larga estirpe de viticultores de la ribereña localidad de Pedrosa de Duero. Su infancia transcurre entre viñedos y lagares y sus primeros recuerdos evocan a sus abuelos elaborando vino a la manera tradicional.

Tal era la pasión de Carmelo que, desde su adolescencia, comenzó a invertir sus primeras ganancias en nuevas plantaciones de viñedo y, así, a base de ilusión, esfuerzo y sacrificio, logró formar una considerable explotación vinícola.

Año de fundación 1990
  • Beatriz Rodero Oña

  • CARMELO RODERO Crianza 2022



    Up to 9% off
    21,90 € 23,95 €
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  • CARMELO RODERO 9 Months 2023



    14,49 €
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  • CARMELO RODERO 9 Months 2021


    Sold out
    12,85 €
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  • CARMELO RODERO Crianza x3 case + wooden box

    81,90 €
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  • CARMELO RODERO 9 Months x3 + wooden box


    49,90 €
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Around 1990, he began his own journey, always supported by his wife Elena. Together they bet on the future and quality, knowing that the basis of a great wine is always found in the excellence of its “black pearls”, which is how Carmelo likes to call the fruit of his vineyards.

All this effort and search for quality have been rewarded with national and international awards for each of the wines produced since then by Bodegas Rodero.

A new generation has joined this exciting project: Beatriz and María, the two daughters of Carmelo and Elena. They have inherited their parents' passion.

The personality of Carmelo Rodero wines is born from the fortunate combination of two factors: the unique and incomparable characteristics of its vineyards, combined with the most innovative winemaking techniques. All of this is driven by the strength of the producer and his family, combining traditional methods with the most cutting-edge technology.

Our unique and patented gravity-fed winemaking system, without pumping, allows us to pamper the grapes, enhancing their intrinsic qualities.

"Our unique and patented gravity-fed winemaking system, without pumping, allows us to pamper the grapes, enhancing their intrinsic qualities." - Carmelo Rodero