ARDBEG 10 Years

Produced in the Islay region, it was named World Whiskey of the Year in 2008. Its complexity and smoky character give it a differential place among whiskeys from the same region.


Recíbelo en 24-48 horas en la península. Más información.


Ardbeg 10 Years is the emblem of the Ardbeg distillery. Produced in the Islay region, it was named World Whiskey of the Year in 2008. Its complexity and smoky character give it a differential place among whiskeys from the same region. It is a single malt, it retains the sweet character of the malt but without being cold filtered, the peat is present quickly. In the glass it appears pale gold, its aroma and taste dares to show citrus touches along with peat and toasted vanilla. To make these tastes and aromas explode, add a few drops of water to the glass with whiskey.



Color dorado pálido.


Equilibrio y profundidad excepcionales. Su aroma es una perfecta mezcla entre el tofe y la dulzura del chocolate entre notas de canela y fenoles medicinales. Los cítricos frescos y las notas florales del vino blanco son muy evidentes: melón, pera... También se aprecian con fuerza las notas fenólicas del mar, el yodo y el pescado ahumado. Más tarde, cuando las notas más volátiles se van desvaneciendo, emergen la achicoria y el café, entre el humo de la madera y el dulzor de la vainilla.


Un dulzor inicial moderado y nítido es seguido por sabores de tabaco de pipa y café expreso que dan paso a las notas de regaliz. Su paso es al principio muy especiado, más tarde suculento que hace salivar y nos prepara para un final secante, largo y ahumado de cereales dulcemente malteados.


16°C y 18°C.


ARDBEG 10 Years


Ardbeg 10 Years is the emblem of the Ardbeg distillery. Produced in the Islay region, it was named World Whiskey of the Year in 2008. Its complexity and smoky character give it a differential place among whiskeys from the same region. It is a single malt, it retains the sweet character of the malt but without being cold filtered, the peat is present quickly. In the glass it appears pale gold, its aroma and taste dares to show citrus touches along with peat and toasted vanilla. To make these tastes and aromas explode, add a few drops of water to the glass with whiskey.


  • 70cl
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